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Google Increases Title and Description Length – How Should Your Team Respond?

Do you know about the Google snippet length increase in the organic search results? Google’s longer snippet news has given rise to various questions among site owners and search engine marketers.

This post will answer all your questions. This will likewise serve as a guide to leverage this change to your SEO advantage.So, let’s begin!


When did this happen? It started around mid-November. On November 22nd, SISTRIX’s dataset started to see an increase, and it was more than 50%. As of December 2nd, at least 1 of the top 10 or around 51% of search results have these longer snippets.

The New Meta Title Length

During the past few years, we used to create titles that include at most 55-60 characters. Today, Google has at last rolled out a few improvements and expanded the titles to 70-71 characters. I know it doesn’t appear to be much, but at least you can still fit in another word or two in your title, which can greatly help improve its structure and effect.

If you think that your current title is good enough and that you are already content with it, at least you have the option to include your site name at the end part of the title.

Let us say that you have already expanded your titles to make them longer and more attractive than the old ones. Even though your titles are no longer, it does not mean that you will just discard the old ones. You still have to monitor the traffic, and CTR (Click through rate) not only of the new titles but also of the old ones, as this can still influence your SEO.

The organic results for your site can presumably be higher or lower too. That is why you need to monitor them and keep things under control.

Just in case you still can’t identify the distinctions, let me show you an illustration.

See the screenshot below:

In the second title, Google only shows 58 characters and then truncates the rest. Whilst, in the first title, Google displays 69 characters which denote the full title of that page. This is what happens after Google makes the changes:

Meta Ttile Length New

Google did not only increase the length of the titles displayed on the search results page but also made some changes to the meta descriptions.

The New Meta Description Length

Google recently updated its algorithm to embrace longer “snippets”, the explanatory text that appears below your organic listings on search engine results pages (SERPs). The previous maximum length was 165 characters; now, it can go up to 320 characters or higher.

See the screenshot below:

Meta Description length New

The image above has indeed demonstrated that Google make a few changes to its desktop page. What’s more, Google did not just roll out improvements to the desktop titles & descriptions. The titles on mobile search were also expanded and are now considerably longer than that of the desktop.

Mobile View:

Google has expanded the length of mobile titles from around 55-60 characters to 78 characters. So now, the titles on mobile search have 7-8 characters more than the desktop titles.

Let’s take a look at an example from the mobile search results.

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The image above has indeed demonstrated that Google Make a few changes to its desktop page. What’s more, Google did not just roll out improvements to the desktop titles & descriptions. The titles on mobile search were also expanded and are now considerably longer than that of the desktop.

Currently, the title displayed on mobile has 77 characters which are longer than the old one.

We have tried to implement all the tactics mentioned above on our website, and so far, its impact on analytic traffic and ranking are going well.

See the screenshot below:

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Our Thoughts?

These new changes may not be a terrible thing, particularly for individuals struggling to adhere to the title requirements. Besides, with more character allowance, we can incorporate more watchwords (keywords) into our titles and meta descriptions. Who knows, it can lead us to a better ranking, right?

Be that as it may, these changes are still new, and Google could change its search result algorithm again. Since this is just a sort of testing or trial, we can’t make certain if these changes are confirmed or not until Google officially announces it. Yet, it is a decent sign for us to know and observe what’s presently happening in the industry.



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