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Is Modern SEO Really Just a Combination of its Different Independent Parts?

You might have heard about modern Search Engine Optimization a couple of times already, but what do you really think about these modern link-building tactic? If you are to engage with SEO, what specific things or SEO strategies would you be doing?

The modern SEO that we know today consists of a multifaceted and complex collection of different modern link-building tactics. Each of these collections of sub-strategies are all capable of functioning independently. They have their own specific ways to help build customer relationships and to enhance brand visibility across the internet. For instance, social media marketing which is considered as a significant SEO strategy, plays a vital role in building brand trust and visibility as well as in boosting customer engagement can do well alone even without having to undergo with a deliberate SEO process.

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But, is modern SEO really just a combination of its independent parts, or is there a single specific strategy that can perform all the features that each part can do? To answer this query, let us take a look at these common SEO strategies that are all capable of feeding into the search engine performance of a certain brand.

On-site SEO

On-site optimization or simply On-site SEO refers to all types of creative choices and technical improvements of a website. It covers everything from mobile optimization to on-page optimization to improve customer experience. Some common ways to optimize a website include enhancing site architecture, navigation structuring, meta titles and descriptions, site speed, rich snippets, and structured data, content availability as well as site security.

Local SEO

Local SEO is one of those SEO strategies that involves accurately listing e-commerce websites on third-party review sites and directories. An SEO company that does local SEO also manages an e-commerce website’s online reviews. This strategy, when done effectively and efficiently, can help increase a website’s chance of getting a higher rank in search engines results. It can also help enhance your brand’s reputation with customers.

Social Media

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Although it actually does not directly influence the SEO process , social media is still often considered a necessary SEO strategy. Social media marketing is the utilization of different social media platforms to reach out to a wider audience and have your content and brand seen by more people. This in return, can create potential organic clicks and inbound links which can help improve the organic search rankings of your website.

Link Building

Link building is a general term for building links for a website using a few strategies. Traditionally, link building is regarded as an SEO-exclusive tactic because the result of link building does not just stop in enhancing brand visibility. It can help drive more traffic to a website and eventually enhance search engine rankings.

On-site content

Content marketing, also — referred to as on-site content — is a way of improving search engine rankings by providing concise, detailed, accurate, unique, and high-quality content which can help build customer loyalty and engagement.

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Looking at the individual strategies listed above, we can say that there is actually no particular approach that can perform everything that individual tactics can do. Each can function independently and influence the process that an SEO company does and they can also perform together for the purpose of modifying search results to yield a better outcome, improve customer experiences and build customer relationships.

It is also very important to understand that modern SEO is not a single stand-alone tactic, rather, it is more of a complex interrelationship of different individual strategies.



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