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Ecommerce SEO Strategy: Three Common Yet Important Factors That Can Help Your Business

When maintaining a website, the most critical aspect that each site owners needs to seriously attend to is search engine optimization. However, only a few understand the essence of SEO for e-commerce platforms.But why is it important to have a good ecommerce SEO for your online store?

Ecommerce SEO
According to studies, more than 40 percent of all the purchases done online start with searching terms using different search engines. This clearly states that a huge percentage of the purchases are from the search results. This is why even the smallest and newest e-commerce website has to have a good e-commerce SEO strategy to continue to thrive in the highly competitive online market.To keep you guided, we have included some key factors that can greatly affect the SEO ranking of your ecommerce site.

Page Titles

Page Title
The page title is considered the most significant feature of the product page. The importance of a significant page title is often ignored by some e-commerce platforms. Just like the page URLs, platforms may also automatically create page titles according to the categories and name of the product. The best SEO practice to treat page titles is adding key search terms.

Meta Tags

We use the meta tags to create a brief summary of the content of a website that will be displayed in the search listing. Since the visitors can’t instantly ascertain what your site might offer them at one glance, the meta tags will let them understand what they can expect from your site. It plays an important role because it will help the visitors decide whether or not they will click on your site.

SEO Meta Tags
Unfortunately, almost all the e-commerce platforms will only use the descriptions on the page itself. They do not provide independent control of the meta tags. For SEO, good meta tags mean using a page description that is unique from the product page. Focusing on and adding unique offerings and searchable key terms makes meta tags more effective.

Page URLs

The page URLs are the location or link address of a certain page as shown in the browser’s address bar. To be able for pages to rank well on search engines, you have to use a search engine optimized URL. Unfortunately, almost all the available e-commerce platforms do not do that much as far as permalink is concerned. Most of them will just automatically generate URLs of the pages based on the category and names of the products. An SEO-optimized location should include independent control over the URLs of the individual pages.



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