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Google announced “Phantom 2- The Quality Update”

Google’s results have changed since the beginning of May, and after this update Google’s officials have confirmed that this happened due to changes in the content quality. It is known as “The Quality Update”. This will be the biggest challenge for all SEO services across the world. It has been in our notice since the beginning of the last month, that the SEO companies are going through a boom due to this change. These changes were absolutely very much speculative of all Google updates alongside a variety of ups and downs that left many marketing professionals with mixed reactions and even were have seen scratching their heads due to this change. But Google has revealed that those result changes were happening due to an update in their algorithm. This update is known as “Phantom 2 – The Quality Update”. Google has also disclosed that their latest update is mainly focused on content quality of the websites. From now on the content on your website will have to match a level of quality as this new update actually confirms that they are very serious about penalizing poor quality content over internet. But what exactly do they mean when stating poor quality content? As a digital marketing firm who accepts a holistic style, we are continuously updating website content for our valuable clients, which helps their business as well as their SERPs ranking. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what categorizes as good or bad content so we grab this opportunity to let our readers know more about the content quality. Let’s have a look on a bad side first. Below given points are strictly a big NO for websites: If your content is not relevant or has nothing to do with your products or services you provide then, Google will not spare you in a positive side. Irrelevant content may just confuse your customers and even search engines. From the beginning Google has never provided characteristic guidelines for the amount of content that should go on the website, no such guideline to suggest how much content one should have on a web-page, however you can be sure that a few lines of content will not be very impressive. Now that, we know that what bad quality content is, It’s time to know how you can be sure that you are having a quality content on your website, and that always works to help your ranking in Search engine. You must be sure that you include all the services or products related informative content in all webpages. Relevancy is the most important factor for quality content. If your content is relevant then it should be useful to your visitors, so, always provide the content that is focused around the products/services you are offering. As we already cited above, when it comes to the quantity of content, there is no such thumb rule to it. The basic rule is that you should keep it clear and precise, include the important points but with sheer clarity. Think from a user’s point of view. The best advice to write the content is, always write for your customers not for the search engine because Google has been changing its algorithms in order to understand customer behavior. Keep in mind that if your content answers all questions of your prospective customers, it will automatically rank on top in search engines. Creating unique content is not as easy as it seems, But Fret not! If you are running a company/organization then it is obvious that you might not have enough time to work on your website’s content for each and every page.

We have a good news for you, there is a help for those who can’t make time for writing detailed content. This help comes in form of WebIndia Inc. with the market leading strategies for content marketing. We come to your rescue; WebIndia Inc. is one of the leading Digital Marketing Agencies, we can curate strategies that take your content marketing up a notch.

Our expert content writing team has a vast experience in creating attractive content which is focused to appeal both Google and the potential customers of our clients. We have successfully managed to get top ranking position for our clients in the span of 7 years for we always keep ourselves updated with algorithm changes while creating content for your websites. we keep in mind all the algorithm changes while creating content for each project.



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