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Google Ads: Manual And Automated Optimization

Who is smarter, human [manual] or machine [automation]? Well, It seems like we are in the era of automation. Google is executing new functions frequently related to automation, whether it’s campaigns or bidding.

So, let’s talk about the Smart VS Manual Optimization/Strategy/Bidding.

According to my experience, smart bidding works very well when we have historical conversion data in accounts.

We implement a Smart Bidding strategy to get more conversions/revenue than before. Therefore, automation works well when accounts/campaigns have a good history of conversions/revenue. However, this strategy tends to work well for 2 to 3 months, and then you will start noticing a decline in conversions, traffic, and revenue. Smart bidding then makes your account performance stagnant after three months of optimization.

Google Ads Manual and Automatic Optimisation

Automated Optimization Includes:

1. Smart Bidding Strategies

  • Target CPA
  • Target ROAS
  • Maximize Conversions
  • Maximize Conversions Value
  • Maximize Clicks Target Impression Share
  • Smart Shopping
  • Smart Search [Adwords Express]
  • Smart Display

Manual Optimization Includes:

1. Bidding Strategy

  • Manual CPC
  • Standard Search [DSA, Call-only]
  • Standard Shopping
  • Standard Display

If we look at the list of components, the first thing that comes to our mind is that we have more options to run in automation and less to run with Manual. But as a matter of fact, in automated optimization, we set the campaigns up and leave, whereas, in manual optimization, we need to keep an eye on it. [keep optimizing].

Control over/ Pros.Cons between Automated & Manual

Control over/Pros.Cons
Can I change bids frequently?
Less Management
Location bid adjustment
Device bid adjustment
Time Saving
Demographic Adjustment
History Necessary
Negative Keywords Insertion?
Search Queries Optimization
Budget Adjustment
Set up Priority [High, Medium & Low]
  • Considering the list of pros & cons in automated optimization, we don’t have much control, especially over Avg.CPC. We can surely neglect higher CPC if automation gives us the sales/leads at a good CPA.
  • To gain control over Avg.CPC, most people move to manual bidding and end up losing the leads/sales at some stage. But manual bidding is not the only option, I believe.

When performance drops, all we do is move to manual optimization and start panicking. Plus, We start feeling burdened with the pressure of achieving results and being accountable to our clients for the performance and spending.

Google Ads Performance Drop
To maintain the CPC, get continuous results, increase the revenue, and achieve other Key Matrix, you have to choose proper optimization techniques that suit and are best for your account.

We can certainly help you in google ads management with a number of strategies to achieve the best results you were getting in the past.



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