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Top Four Most Popularly Used Paid Advertising Platforms

Aside from just relying on earning organic clicks, most of the web-based businesses today are using pay per click or cost per click marketing to earn additional traffic to their website. Pay-per-click marketing is an internet advertising model that makes use of search engine advertising in directing traffic and generating clicks to a website. There are currently many pay-per-click advertising platforms available. However, most of the businesses choose these top four most popularly used pay-per-click platforms.

Google Adwords

Google Adwords
If you were to ask which of the online advertising platforms is the most popular, that would be Google Adwords. With its 67 percent search market share, Google is undeniably the largest search engine today. Since Google Adwords is operated by Google itself, it offers the most comprehensive search network. Having said that, it is expected that Google Adwords can drive a large volume of traffic to your website.

Google Search Network Advertising

Search Network is a group of websites that are search-related. Ad campaigns of Google Adwords appear in the search network together with Google, non-Google, and Google search sites. If you choose to have an ad campaign on the search network, your advertisement can appear next to the search results on the search engine when someone searches about something with terms or phrases that contain one of your keywords.

Google Display Network Advertising

Google Display Network refers to the collection of different kinds of websites including blogs, YouTube, and news sites. Aside from the more expensive traditional search network advertising, businesses can also opt for Google display network advertising which gives them the chance to have their advertisements appear on various websites across the internet.Advertisers who are looking forward to expanding their global online presence and those who choose to publish their ads on the Google display network have the opportunity to reach more than two million websites and to have their ads seen by roughly 90 percent of the global internet users.


Remarketing is another advertising strategy especially suitable for advertisers that have a lengthy sales process and for those businesses that offer services and sell products that users might not purchase immediately. It helps advertisers to reach those users who already have used their app or visited their website. Remarketing allows advertisers to keep in touch with their previous visitors by displaying their ads on the display network as their previous users browse the internet or search for terms related to their keywords.

“Product Listing”

Another innovative and more effective way of getting your ads seen by a larger audience is Product Listing Ads or Plans. Product listings also appear in search results but unlike Adwords, it does not need to have the same term or keywords to get listed on the display and search network. If people search for things related to your products, your ads together with your product price and information will show up on the search results.

“Bing Ads Platform”

Bing Ads
Bing Ads is one of the Pay Per Click platforms that provide various ways of product marketing. Bing Ads offer marketing services and Pay Per Click ads that appear on the search network of both Yahoo! and Bing search engines. With Bing Ads, you can have your ads seen by potential customers in three major ways — by Bing Shopping Campaigns, Content Marketing, and Search Network.

“Search Network”

When people search with specific terms that contain any of your ads keywords, on the search engines such as Bing, Yahoo!, AOL, syndicated search partner websites and other Bing and Yahoo! operated sites, your ad campaign will appear with the search results.

“Content Marketing”

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that involves publishing consistent content as well as creating and sharing relevant and valuable media files in order to acquire, attract and retain clearly defined customers.

“Bing Shopping Campaigns”

Bing Shopping Campaigns beta of BCS is the latest and greatest way to create Product Ads and manage them, streamlining the usual advertising process so that advertisers can have their ads running in no time.

“FB Advertising”

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Being the largest social media platform, Facebook also offers a large audience for those who want to get their brands and products noticed by their potential customers. This makes it one of the most targeted pay-per-click advertising platforms. With Facebook Advertising it is possible for businesses to reach their advertising goals by keeping in touch with the right people based on various criteria such as age, gender, location, and interest.


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AdRoll is a well-known network that makes use of the Facebook Exchange (FBX) to re-market various kinds of products and services to users who have previously visited a website. AdRoll offers re-targeting campaigns such as Web Re-targeting and Fb Re-targeting that encourage advertisers’ previous site visitors and window-shoppers to buy their product. On average, only 2 percent of window shoppers convert into buyers. AdRoll re-targeting then helps you bring back the other 98 percent by keeping track of the online activities of your previous visitors and displaying re-targeted ads on the different websites they visit.



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